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DEC13: Judgement Day

judgement day cover

judgement day cover

Print will never die! lol. I’m a snark at heart and retreat into that when things tend to get overwhelming. I am also a designer by nature, and having been at this for I look at things through that lens, how they can be better or possibly how to spin them into something more interesting than they appear. Judgement Day spun out of several things being fit together into one idea.

Not quite sure where to start with this idea, sort of a ‘chicken and the egg’ thought. Originally being a ‘print guy’ book covers have always just been so cool. They can make or break a book and the marketing materials that go with them just trying to give you that single all purpose glimpse inside to make you want to pick it up.

The title of this series, Judgement Day, comes from the ‘You can’t judge a book by it’s cover…”, but you can and we do….lol…Sometimes you buy a book just because it has the coolest cover in the world sometimes you don’t because the cover just isn’t calling to you.

One premise of this project was to create a cover that called to you and urged you to at least pick it up and look at it, that’s half the battle right there (Yo Joe!). Another piece of this project was my inherent snarky narrative for the word around us…lol.

The titles of these books arose over a period of time from situations taking place around me, most of them from a particularly long trip I was having coming back from overseas. I started writing things down thinking I could mold them into something interesting.

The titles are fake, but the authors are real. I’d had the idea to attribute to writers I found on Project Gutenberg…lol. I wanted to create something as legitimate as possible.

An evolution of this project is two-fold…

#1 – To create placeholder books using lorem ipsum. Just 300 page books to put on a shelf, like most books you’ve probably bought anyway. Heh. To fill up a shelf and make you look like a reader as well as the merchandise that goes along with it.

The beauty of this part of the idea is, hopefully, it’s a conversation starter AND the fact they aren’t real books if anyone asks you about them you just have to be creative enough to make something up…lol. At least until we get to #2…

#2 – actually write the books. Each title has been calling out, as they already have a story behind them, to me to do the placeholder books, but also to write the story. Thirty six stories, each at about 300 pages, a daunting task considering everything else I have going on, but…it’s on the list…heh.

I also considered ghost writers as an option, so we shall see…

There are more than these 36 that I’d been working on, but the file was lost and I haven’t started back up on them just yet…sigh…

We shall see how this evolves together…

Merchandise is available in the store.

The low content / prompt books are now available on Amazon!

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