TYO Logo v3
TYO Logo v3
So here I am…


Holy Moley!

I’m tellin’ ya, as much as I enjoy the ease of these CMS systems, there’s just a whole new set of problems….lol…

I love a good drop cap…heh.

I’ve been in design for over 25 years at this point, longer in ‘art’ in general. I’ve got stacks of loose work and sketchbooks as well as an evolving hard drive full of…stuff…

You get to a point where you forget what you’ve done or what you have…and if you are like me…what you’ve lost cuz of not backing stuff up.

Oh, the heartbreak of a faulty hard drive…lol..

I started this site to collect everything together and, hopefully, motivate me to keep creating.

Creating to delight other people has always been a great motivator and joy.

Hopefully, this does that to some degree (if I can ever get this silly site up and running properly..ugh!)

Getting it set up was easy enough, but making sure it;s efficient has been a challenge I am still going through…shouldn’t be as hard as it is.

This whole effort led me to discover Print on Demand. I thought, hey some of that stuff I think is fairly marketable, so I wanted to offer it for sale and found a way. That led to also seeing I could add my design to clothing and a host of other merchandise and I was off an running.

SHOPTODDYOUNGONLINE was born and has been a learning experience!

My first attempt seemed to be working but i found out the cart wasn’t set up…lol…

I moved from WooCommerce to Shopify (and it’s monthly costs..ugh again) but it works at least.

Using Print on Demand vendors like Printful and Printify make it easy to link things in, it’s just now building a following and convincing people they need to buy…heh…

It’s been a fun challenge tho, traffic is up, I’m continually adding to the store and finding new designs, those pesky conversions are elusive, but I keep trying.

As I near my half century and am trying to build something that relies on my efforts alone, that’s where you come in…

Thank you for taking the time to stop by, and read this, stop by the store (shoptoddyoungonline.com shameless plug) and check things out. As I mentioned I am trying to update it weekly, if not more often…

I’m trying to also archive my work and thoughts on here as well.

I really appreciate you stopping by and hope you will keep coming back to check on my progress.

Thank You,

  • todd
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