Project: Ipsum Lorum Layouts

A proof of concept project putting together images and typography and the juxtaposition of the two.

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I really like a well put together layout and had an idea for…something? One of the issues of wanting to do a personal project sometimes is coming up with the assets needed. Even using a stock image site, like I did for this, takes some creative thinking when what’s available doesn’t necessarily match what’s in your head.

I couldn’t find EXACTLY what I wanted, of course, so had to look at what was available and found these 2 groups of images that looked similar enough that they could be a part of a fictional campaign. Also, playing with the lorem ipsum generator to come up with a block of text to manipulate and emphasize into something that could plausibly mean something made me chuckle.

Overall, I like how it came out and like anything else gives a starting point for other projects in the future.

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