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Project: Quick Bitz & Recitations…

Quick Bitz Featured

Quick Bitz 1
Quick Bitz 1 (2011)

These short experimental projects using XtraNormal would culminate in the Bryan K Flowers Project.

There were a few free programs like this associated with YouTube for a while. I was just playing around, as usual, seeing what I could come up with.

Quick Bitz 2 (2011)

One of the issues I’ve always run into has been having other people to create with, at least consistently. It occurred to me, at some point, my goals aren’t always aligned with anyone elses (obviously?), so if I want to get things done I need to be resourceful.

Being able to write and have control over resources, free or low cost, to get it produced is a dream. This isn’t perfect, but sometimes you just have to take the parameters you’re given and make it work.

From My Heart (2011)

All in the pursuit of creating something entertaining…

Recitations 1 (2011)

…and trying to figure out how to push the obvious…

Recitations 2 (2011)

…and I very much believe in using my original materials for my projects, just so there aren’t any issues with rights, but sometimes, going back, I have to ask myself…I did that?…lol…

Recitations 3 (2011)

One of the draws of this was being able to take cute and silly characters and filter some deeper thoughts through them and gauge the result. Sort of like when people have their small children saying inappropriate things. It’s funny on one level, but then on another it’s like…uhm?…lol..

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