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Project: Roasting of Bryan K Flowers…

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The Bryan K Flowers Project (2012)

Oh this was just born our of sheer boredom and what happens when my snark has a target. Be aware this was a good natured roasting, it can get a bit harsh at times, but it leads somewhere.

What happens when I have too much time on my hands and my brain latches on to an idea and I find some readily available resources? …lol…this sums it up nicely.

My creativity was being neglected in the position I was in and the only way to keep myself sane at the time was to let it run free. I keep a notebook with me and had started writing down snarky one-liners involving a co-worker, who, was extremely good natured and a good sport.

YouTube had Xtra Normal for a while, for free, that you could choose the character and voice, run your text through and it would say it.

Bryan K Flowers was a culmination of the effort, setting up the characters and camera angles, downloading and editing all of the footage together. There are definitely some nsfw and politically incorrect moments, but it was all done in good roasting fun and definitely took on a life of its own

Admittedly there are some bits that didn’t translate well, but it was fun.

Bryan K Flowers iz Poppin (2012)

Done with Go Animate this was another piece inspired by the great BKF. I had to watch this again and forgot I’d written it….lol…

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